Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Something I love and something I hate.

Today's something I love happens to be the Foo Fighters. I adore them. Particularly Dave Grohl. How can you not adore the man?? My favorite song by them is probably Come Alive. Listen to it- it's beautiful.

Something I hate? Missing Dan. While I obviously hope he's having an awesome time, there's that little selfish part of me that wants him here. At the moment, he's on Orcas Island with his mom, and just really miss him. The ironic thing is, today's thing that I love makes the thing that I hate even worse, because when I listen to the Foo Fighters I think of Dan, which makes it worse. It's a vicious circle. Long story short? I want my redhead back!


Dan said...

Well, first off OF COURSE YOU LOVE DAVE GROHL THE MOST! HE IS ONE OF THE SEXIEST MEN ALIVE!!!!! I'm having a wicked awesome time but i do miss you and i really need you here with me...it's so beautiful. you'll love it!!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ALISON!!!!

Mike and Lauren said...

So there's this little selfish part of me wondering why you don't blog about missing me. Haha. But I know how that goes. I love you Al. You and Mom never called me back!!

Mr. Christopher said...

He must be back, because you haven't written in a while. Stinks to miss people.