I am one of the middle kids out of 6 children (not counting my brothers-in-law, Mike and Jon), so obviously I have younger siblings. One of these two younger siblings is the very famous Josh, who has said such famous lines as, "I hope it's something good... like CASH." (that about a Mother's Day gift yet to be opened). My nickname, as given by Josh, has become Owl. I don't think he really means it to sound like Owl, but the way he pronounces "Al" comes out "Owl", and sometimes I mistake his "OW!" for my name and he gets irritated. Anyways. The name came from him. An addition to his famous quotes, and sometimes scenes- he sang Viva Viagra as loudly as he could at the grocery store on Wednesday. Yes, I just let him. The little boy above? Yep, that's him. The other one is me. But I'm on a boat, so my hair is going nuts. My hair + Humidity + Tons of Wind = Oh boy, bad hair day.
So I graduated from highschool as of Friday, May 30th. And as the corny reader's theatre was being presented, complete with the organ music in the background (yes, dinosaurs, your predecessor is still here, she still writes the reader's theatres, and her name is Mrs. Drake), I realized that if I don't want to, I never have to go back to the corridors of Hell ever again. I'm knocking on the desk just to keep myself from being cursed. But yeah, unless I choose to, I never have to revisit my high school ever again! Just for your information, by the way, I graduated to the theme song of Harry Potter. I was crossing my fingers for the organist to play Lord of the Rings again, but that was way back when the Cs had been walking, so I was out of luck. I think the Harry Potter may show up Amy's commencement to the Pink Panther.
Yay, Ali! I just found your blog and it made me happy inside. You are the cutest. Say hi to Sebastian for me.
Hey Ali! So I found your blog and it's amazing. Oh, and guess what!! I made one myself! But it's kinda retarted right now. LOVE YOU!!
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