Asleep in his bag on the way to a workshop today.
He covers his eyes when he sleeps sometimes.
It just so happens that my dogs are amazing. Probably cooler than your kid. Especially if your kid is ugly. Then my dogs would win hands down.
Holy crap. Freaking prime.
See the deer resemblence?
Boy do I feel like an idiot... I dunno how to remove the duplicate...
Holy crap. Freaking prime.
See the deer resemblence?
Boy do I feel like an idiot... I dunno how to remove the duplicate...
So I got this new dog, right? He's freaking cute. He's the atypical chihuahua- no buggy eyes or squashed nose for him, and none of the squatty-body shape either. He is a freaking deer. A lap-deer, as I like to refer to him. He is on my lap right now, with his spike collar on (I just got him fixed and I figured, poor guy, he's just got fixed, he's a chihuahua, and his last owner was flamboyantly gay... might as well let him keep what little masculinity he has and nix the bling collars) and shaking because his sweater is in the wash. Yes, he has a sweater. A grey argyle sweater, nonetheless. Turns out pet stores sell pretty girly dog clothes, so if you ever want to make me really, really happy with you, go to and buy him the Ramones shirt or the Skull and Crossbones hoodie... so cute. Anyway. Boy am I ADHD. As I was saying, he is a deer dog. A six pound deer. He's still pretty skinny now, because he wasn't adequately cared for when he was younger, but we're working on that one. He comes with me everywhere now, and he kind of worships me, which I don't mind. He's figured out that he has the whole agility thing going for him when he wrestles with Lincoln, my mom's one year old mini dachshund (pronounced dox hund, NOT doshund... Lydia's little friend berated me the other day for pronouncing it correctly. Little kids can be poops) and so poor Lincoln just surrenders and rolls over and lets Sebastian (my deer dog) chew on his giant floppy ears. Chadwick, the family mascot (he's a fifteen year old weiner dog who is probably the most awesome dog upon the face of the earth, bar none, and don't even argue because Chadwick is old AND hot-dog shaped and you can't beat that), has not succumbed so easily, though. Their has been an uneasy relationship between the two since day one, where Sebastian tried to dominate and I took Chadwick's side. There has been a great deal of squint-glares from Sebastian to Chadwick since then. And no joke, my dog really does glare. He even smiles and sometimes will raise one eyebrow. A friend of mine doesn't like sitting by me when I hold him because he raises the one eyebrow and smiles and it really does give off the impression that he is hitting on her. Anyway (sorry, my train of thought derails frequently...) today, I was sitting on the couch, and for the first time since ever, Sebastian and Chadwick CUDDLED. As in, didn't even try to assert dominance by starting an orgy (I hate it so bad when they do that, it so weirds me out). So I had to brag in this post about that accomplishment. Peace has been established. I would say "All Quiet on the Western Front," but that just depresses me and I think it doesn't really apply very well. Just pretend it did though. Also, Sebastian falls asleep in funny positions, ie, covering his eyes with his paws. And wanna hear the best tidbit of today? I took a writing workshop from a guy named Chauncey Secrist, and he isn't British but has a really long ponytail and a nose-ring, and one of my fellow students wrote a hate poem to me. Turns out my joking earlier about being vegetarian was no bueno... she's a vegan.
Good thing I don't have an ugly kid, eh?
Glad to hear that peace has been established in the dog kingdom.
you are so funny. the thing is, no one ever realizes/admits if their kid is ugly. that's just how it works. but i like your dog too.
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